11 Ocak 2009 Pazar

My last blogg ıs about fılm that ı watched recenty.The name of fılm ıs Notebook. ı thınk most of you watched thıs ınterestıng romantıc fılms.The short summury of fılm ıs lıke that. The movie starts off with an old man in a nursing home who reads a story to an old woman each day. The story readıng is about two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun. They met one evening at a carnival many years ago. Although Allie refuses Noah's request to go on a date at first, she changes her mind after a double date with her friend. After that, they spent the whole summer together. Allie's parents disapproved of this and separate Noah and Allie because of Noah's lack of wealth. After waiting for Noah to write to her for several years, Allie meets and becomes engaged to a handsome young soldier named Lon.Allie did not know that Noah had written 365 letters, one letter a day for a year. He stops writing after a year because he had never gotten a response. In a local newspaper years later, Noah's picture catches Allie's eye. He is standing in front of a fully restored, 200 year-old home. The article is filled with praise for his accomplishments. With her love for Noah still alive, the picture pulls at her heart. She feels she must go back, see if Noah is okay, and tell him about her marriage. Noah seems distant when first seeing Allie. However, he invites her in after she mistakenly drives into his fence. Noah and Allie have lunch, visit and Noah walks her to her car later that evening. He asks her to come back the next morning, as he has something he wants to show her. Allie goes to her hotel, where she gets a phonecall from Lon. She tells Lon that she's tired, and will call him the next day. She goes back to Noah's house in the morning and he takes her out on the lake in a rowboat It starts to rain heavily, and turns into an absolute downpour. They both wonder why each other ended the relationship and Allie says that she was never ready for the relationship to be over, to which Noah replies "It never was over for me, it still isn't over", Allie asks Noah why he never wrote to her. Noah tells Allie that he wrote 365 letters but she apparently had never received them, and he then kisses Allie passionately. When Allie's mother comes to pick her up after a few days, she learns that her mother's true love is a lumberjack whom she visits to see and wonder what would've happened had she followed her heart. She then leaves Allie to decide who she would like to be with after giving her the letters that Noah sent. Allie is then faced with the decision of picking between her finance Lon, and her true love Noah.In the end, she realizes that she needed Noah in her life. She returned to Noah and they lived a long, wonderful life together. Allie gets Alzheimer's and soon forgets all of her life with Noah. Noah reads from a notebook Allie had written about all that happened in their life together, and soon gets Allie to remember, despite what her doctors said. At night, Noah sneaks into Allie's room and they die together peacefully in their sleep.The actors and the fılm ıs successful and ı recommend to everyone to watch thıs who hasnt watched

9 Ocak 2009 Cuma

ı am goıng to talk about the eagles which ıs the most predacious bird in the world.First of all it differ from others for its good visual ability.They are large birds of pray which are members of the bird family Accipidridae and belong to several genera which are not necessarily closely related to each other.Most of the more than 60 species occur in Eurasıa and Africa.Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons claws.Eagles are differentiated from other birds of prey mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and bill.they also have extremely keen eyesight which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.This keen eyesight is primarily contributed by their extremely large pupils which cause minimal diffraction (scattering)of the incoming light. There are many types of eagles some of them bald eagles and whıte winged eagles.

6 Ocak 2009 Salı

İ always wanted to learn to play guıtar but i couldnt. İ dnt konw why but ı couldnt realıze ıt. but thıs year ı promısed myself to learn ıt. ı hope ı wıll learn ıt. ı want to talk a lıttle about guitar which is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten and twelve string guitars also exist.Guitars are recognized as one of the primary instruments in blues country flamenco, rock musıc, and many forms of pop. They can also be a solo instrument Guitars may be played acoustically where the tone is produced by vibration of the strings and modulated by the hollow body, or they may rely on an amplifier that can electronically manipulate tone. Such electric guıtars were introduced in the 20th century and continue to have a profound influence on populat culture
Traditionally guitars have usually been constructed of combinations of various woods and strung with animal gut, or more recently, with either nylon or steel strings. Guitars are made and repaired by luthiers

Dogs are one of the my favourıte anımals.There are many types of dogs but ı wıll talk about bulldog which ıs the well known for its short muzzle and saggy skin on its face.A Bulldog, colloquially known as an English Bulldog, is a type of dog which traces it's ancestry to England.The Bulldog comes in a variety of colours and ideally has a smooth, short coat. The only disqualifier for the breed in the show ring is a liver colored nose, although black-coated bulldogs are not preferred. In the US, the size of a typical mature male is about 50 pounds; that for mature females is about 40 pounds. In theUnited kingdom, the breed standard is 55 pounds for a male and 50 pounds for a female, but it is not uncommon for males to be 70 pounds.The term "bulldog" was first used around 1568 and might have been applied to various ancestors of modern bulldog breeds. It has been theorized that Bulldogs were bred in England as a cross between the mastiff and the pug, although their genetic origin is debated.
In the 1600s, bulldogs were used for bbullbaiting a gambling sport popular in the 17th century with wagers laid in which trained bulldogs leapt at a bull lashed to a post, latched onto its snout and attempted to suffocate it

ı want to talk about crocodiles lıving Nile.Nile crocodiles are large, lizard-shaped reptile with four short legs and a long muscular tail. The hide is rough and scaled. Juvenile Nile crocodiles are dark olive to brown with darker crossbands on tail and body. Adults are uniformly dark with darker crossbands on tail.Their avarage size approximately 5 m (16 ft.) with maximum size of roughly 6 m (20 ft.)They are found throughout tropical and southern Africa and Madagascar. And ı want to say some fun facts about Nıle crocodıles
1)A crocodile's ectothermic metabolism is extremely efficient. A large crocodile, which may weigh more than 900 kg (2000 lb.), can survive for long periods of time between meals!
If baby crocodiles are in danger, the adult female may pick them up and flip them into her mouth or gular (throat) pouch for protection.
When fish are migrating, crocs may hunt cooperatively by forming a semi-circle across the river and herding the fish. They then eat the fish that are closest to them.
When young crocodiles are hatching, either parent may help them out of the egg by rolling it between their tongue and palate. This cracks the shell allowing for an easier escape.