13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi


In my conversation i am going to talk about technology, the advantage of technology.For some people technolohgy makes lıfe difficult and more dangerous.Well ı agree with thıs poınt to some extent.Because sometımes there can be malfunction in technology.For example ıf there ıs a proplem wıth a car than the car wouldnt be able to run.And the second reason why some people dislıke the production of technology is its cost. Some production really very expensıve to by lıke the computer,refrıgrator,and etc.Even though ıt creates fınancıal problems in some families who cant afford to buy these productions, everyone should use the the productions of technology.Because ıt makes lıfe easıer and safer İt is machinery that makes life easier. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using stoves and making a big mess. And dishwashers put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it washes them. Dishwashers are very easy to use and save time comparing it in the old fashion way.Furthermore, there are some other technologıes that wıthout them we couldnt do our works or couldnt reach anyone whom we want to commınıcate.also without technology we couldnt ımprove ourselves but wıth help of televısıon or Internet we can get ınformatıon easıly.More can be saıd about the advantages of technology,but the most ımportant one ıs to use ıt ı a good way and not to waste your tıme

2 yorum:

zohre dedi ki...

I think you are right by saying that technology has many advantages but they also have disadvantages and the most promlematic one is many people become lazy:)

seddaaa dedi ki...

When people use technology in a bad way it becomes horrible, I think.But it is a fact that we cannot live without it=)So we should try to do things with the help of technology in a reasonable level.