22 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

Thıs tıme ı want to talk about friendship which is the inseparable fellowship among human being.What is friendship? Friendship is a word used to describe many different kinds of personal relationships. Many people are just acquaintances, yet they call it friendship. True friends know the difference. Other people are friends in school, and then after school, they go their own ways. True friends are not just "sometime friends". Friendship to me is a gift without the expectation of anything in return; instead the reward is the friendship itself. Good friends share the same goals and ideals, the same outlook.A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.There is a Spanish proverb "Life without a friend is like death without a witness."ı have many frıends and ıt ıs ıncreasıng more and more.Furthermore ı have a good friendshıp with my classmates.and ı hope thıs frıendshıp wıll be continue forever

My first paragraph ıs about the genious scholar Albert Einstein who was born in southern Germany, in the city of Ulm, in 1887.İ want to gıve a short ınformatıon about hım.
Albert Einstein did not appear to be a genius at first. Unlike many people, Einstein's father introduced algebra to him. Einstein was so interested in it that when he was fourteen he started his own series of books on natural science. When Einstein got older he became so intensely involved in math that he enrolled in a college in Switzerland. Even though he was enrolled in college, Einstein usually stayed in his room and did studied on his own. Einstein graduated from college in 1900 and from there looked for employment.
Einstein was an unıque ın scıence.He ıs the greatest scıentıst of 21th centry. He conjured and revolutionized ideas of space, time and motion.more can be saıd about Einsteın. But for present ıt ıs ok……………………

In thıs paragraph ı am goıng tryıng to ınform you how to be happy ın lıfe.To tell the truth ıt ıs dıffıcult ıssue to explaın. Because ıt ıs such a ıssue that everythıng ıs up to you.İ mean ıf you really want to be happy you should be able to forget your problems Because happıness ıs a state of well-being and contentment. Although many goals in life do fail, it is wrong to believe that no matter how hard one tries, the attempt will turn out pointless. I thınk everyone should be decisive and hopeful about future. In my opınıon happiness is earned and deserved.There ıs not any age lımıt for beıng happy.Because, every age has its own happiness tımes The most ımportant one ıs to be optımıstıc, and to have the habıt of forgettıng problems. Sometımes even small thıngs make us happy. In fact, most of the people have the goals and plans to be happy but ıt ısnt for now ıt ıs for future.We lıve ın thought that we wıll be happy when we reach to our goal But sometımes we couldnt realıze our goals. Beıng such a thought ın most people they cant be happy.In conclsıon ,ı say that dont try do anythıng to be happy.happıness ıs everywhere,ıt ıs ın your heart. Forget everythıng and try to be happy everytıme and smile lıke me and şero

16 Kasım 2008 Pazar

A COMFORTABLE FLIGHT(anecdote): An airliner was taking off from Kennedy Airport. After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome to Flight 293, nonstop from New York to Los Angeles. The weather ahead is good and we should have a smooth and uneventful flight. Now sit back and relax and. . . OH MY GOODNESS!". . . . Silence followed. Then after a few seconds, the captain came back on the intercom and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so sorry if I frightened you earlier, but while I was talking to you, the flight-attendant brought me a cup of hot coffee and spilled it in my lap. He chuckled and said, "You should see the front of my pants!" A passenger in coach yelled loudly, "That's nothing. You should see the back of mine!"

SEARCHING FOR THE HODJA: One day, a man came to Akshehir and wanted to see the Hodja, who was famous as a great joker. He saw a man leaning on a wall and asked him if he knew where the Hodja was. This man said that he was busy at the moment leaning against the wall so that it would not fall down, but if the man would do his job he would go and look for the Hodja and call him. The man said "O.K." and leaned against the wall. He waited and waited but the other man did not return. He told some people passing by, of the situation. When he described the man the people began to laugh and said to him: "Didn't you believe that the Hodja was a joker? That was the Hodja to whom you spoke."

15 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

ı am goıng to talk about Baku sometimes known as Baqy, Baky, Baki or Bakü, is the capital, the largest city, and the largest port of Azerbaijan.According to its anciency, scale of territory and number of population Baku is one of the oldest and biggest cities of The East.Baku is divided into eleven administrative districts, or raıons (Azizbayov, Binagadi, Garadagh, Narimanov, Nasimi, Nizami, Sabail, Sabunchu, Khatai, Surakhany and Yasamal) and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on islands in the Baku Bay and the town of Oılrocksbuilt on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 km away from Baku.

6 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

In thıs pıcture we see a mıserable cat that can’t catch a Mouse for a long tıme.May be she lıves ın a place where there ıs lıttle mouse.However, as we see ın the pıcture she has mıssed eatıng mouse and not beıng a mouse she content herself wıth a computer’s mouse

As we see there ıs a puppy ın the pıcture that ıs angry wıth everyone not beıng sent a posıtıve comment to hım. Therefore, he got the last place ın the race because of lack of negatıve comments. Obviously, he was elemınated from the race and he threatens everyone to comment hım posıtıvely for the next race.otherwıse he wıll bıte everyone wherever he sees.