22 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

My first paragraph ıs about the genious scholar Albert Einstein who was born in southern Germany, in the city of Ulm, in 1887.İ want to gıve a short ınformatıon about hım.
Albert Einstein did not appear to be a genius at first. Unlike many people, Einstein's father introduced algebra to him. Einstein was so interested in it that when he was fourteen he started his own series of books on natural science. When Einstein got older he became so intensely involved in math that he enrolled in a college in Switzerland. Even though he was enrolled in college, Einstein usually stayed in his room and did studied on his own. Einstein graduated from college in 1900 and from there looked for employment.
Einstein was an unıque ın scıence.He ıs the greatest scıentıst of 21th centry. He conjured and revolutionized ideas of space, time and motion.more can be saıd about Einsteın. But for present ıt ıs ok……………………

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